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Trainings and internships of employees

What is the reimbursement of costs of trainings attended by a disabled employee?

The reimbursement of costs of a training attended by a disabled employee is a kind of support funded by PFRON, which can be granted to any employer for whom such people work. Trainings for disabled employees can be organized by their employer as well.

Who can apply for the reimbursement of costs of trainings attended by a disabled employee?

Applications for reimbursement of such costs are filed by the employers of such persons.

What is the maximum amount of reimbursement for a disabled employee’s trainings costs?

PFRON can refund up to 70% of training costs, no more, however, than two average salaries of one employee, although:- with respect to SME, no more than 70% of training costs are eligible for refund,- with respect to large enterprises, no more than 6 % of training costs are eligible for refund. The refund includes the costs borne with respect to the trainings for:- services provided by trainers (hourly costs),- services provided by a sign language translator, translator-guide, reader for blind people or an assistant to an employee with a severe disability,- transport and commuting of trainers, training participants, sign language translator, translator-guide, reader for blind people or an assistant to an employee with a severe disability,- accommodation and board of training participants, - advisory services,- administration and office services,- rental of conference rooms,- depreciation of equipment and tools other than equipment and tools financed from public funds within seven years before the training, - training materials. The refund also covers expenses including the respective disabled employee’s remuneration costs for the time spent by that employee at the training.